Tuesday 13 September 2011

I Blame the Parents....

I am about to share with you a tale of two halves.....
Are you sitting comfortably ... then I will begin...... 

We need to travel back...   back...   back in time to the late summer / autumn of 1967 and a happy childhood.

My friend Denise received a birthday gift that I long for.......                               A Silver Cross Twin Dolls Pram...... with twin baby dolls..... 
I spent every opportunity that I could playing at her house so as to be able to play with this pram...... and twin baby dolls. 

And then one day whilst shopping with my mother and Big Nan I saw one in the shop window of the Toys shop on the station hill.
And so I placed this coveted item on the top......   the very top of my Letter to Father Christmas......
and waited for The Morning ......... Christmas Morning......
       I went to bed dreaming of it.... and woke up dreaming of owning it....

But that year my wish was not for filled, having two older sisters and various doll prams already Father Christmas / my parents decided that another one was not required.   

I was devastated, I am sure I never quiet recovered..............

Fast forward two decades and I find myself a wife and mother of a lovely son and newly pregnant and surprise surprise what do I find........ someone somewhere has remembered my childhood wish for a twin pram and twin baby dolls ....... and decided to send me the real thing..... 

Yeap Twins.....
        now I would be requiring a real Twin Silver Cross Carriage Pram.....with real twin babies.......

Not what I had in mind when I wrote that letter to Father Christmas all those many many years ago...... but Hey Ho......

 My lovely twin baby girls are now grown up and there is not a day that goes by that I would have things any different..........  Never the less.........                 I still blame the parents....         
Toodle Pip x


  1. What a lovely and cute story! That pram looks so pretty and ornate! I cannot believe it was for dolls and not real babies! I always wanted boy toys growing up like toy trucks, legos, and GI Joe soldiers to play with. One of the neighbors on our street had a son 5 years younger than me and whenever my mom would mind him for a few hours after school (his mom was a nurse who got home late) he would bring over his GI Joe and He-Man toys. I was 10 and he was 5 and he and I would go mad playing war for ages. I always asked for my own GI Joe and He-Man but mom never heeded my request. Instead I got girly things like a fluffy pink bike adorned with a white flowery plastic basket and one year I got "Peaches and Cream" Barbie. Even though I never got my GI Joe, I met and fell in love with the real thing 17 years ago (we were married 15 years ago). My husband is a US Army veteran who served for over 9 years. He was in the Infantry too, just like GI Joe was. So, I guess I got my real "GI Joe" after all (even though mine goes by Mike instead!) lol

  2. Oooh I would have gone absolutely mad for such a covetable pram - I mean, it's for TWIN DOLLS!!! Every little girl's dream. No wonder you spent every spare minute at your friend's house. So yes, you got your wish in a round-about way and I love the pics you've included:))) xo
